Bird Photography: Audubon Series

Eduardo del Solar

This workshop aims to develop skills and strategies to improve your bird photographs.  Technical, artistic, and practical topics associated included in this workshop are:

·       Equipment and associated accessories needed for static and birds in flight photography.

·       Light, exposure and composition techniques.

·       The role of software and the digital darkroom as a management and processing tool.

·       Where to go and how to approach birds.

·       Ethical issues associated with nature photography.


What is bird photography?

·       Bird on a stick. page 1-2

·       Bird only. page 2-3  

·       Environmental photography. page 3- 4

·       Behavioral: breeding, feeding, migration, displaying etc. page 5-8

·       Birds in flight . page 8-9

·         Realism or documentary vs. expressionistic/artistic photography page 9-10


Improving your skills

·       Master shooting pigeons, gulls, sparrows at first.

·       Create bird photo projects for yourself.  Start small, think big.

·       Join a bird photography forum, post/critique daily.

·       Let light organize your shooting schedule.  Aim for the magical hours.

·       Consider taking a bird/ornithology workshop.



Equipment Reviews





·       Back Button AF: Set up for All Cameras 



What is a histogram and how do we use it?  During the film era we used the Zone System, today digital cameras and all our software relies on it. Histograms, the best friend or worst enemy a digital photographer can have.  Learn how to use it in camera and during image development to your advantage!  Levels and curves can improve your images, find why.

  1. Histogram: Discover How To Take Better Photos By Exposing To The Right (
  2. Understanding Digital Camera Histograms: Tones and Contrast (



·       The Art of Bird Photography,  Arthur Morris

·       Lighting for Digital Photography: The Five Characteristics of Light



Birding Resources



Contact Info

Eduardo del Solar



Cell                         617-319-1862